Neiman Marcus 2019 Remodel
In 2019 McBride Paint and Wall Coverings did all the finishes at the Neiman Marcus in Scottsdale Arizona. The work was sub-contracted with Trainor Construction based in California.
This is the new Neiman Marcus Cafe. New wallcovering and paint for us. It was quite a transformation for the previous look
Neiman Marcus Lady's Shoes Before. We did the finishes below in 2014. The silver foil wallcovering was very expensive and very difficult to install. But it looked great then but it was time for a change.
This is after the 2019 remodel. I know many will dislike that we painted over all the stained wood. However it seems natural stained wood is out of style. This looks bright and airy.
This is lady's shoes after the refinish. We removed all the wallcoverings, floated the walls and put up new wallcoverings. All the stained wood work was painted.
We sealed the wood filled in the reveals and put new wallcovering on this display.
This is after the 2091 Neiman Marcus remodel. Amazing how we can change the look of something with just changing the wallcovering.
Here is another area where we sealed the wood and filled the reveals for new wallcoverings. It is quite a change. This store went from a eastern looking blue blood establishment to one ready for the millennial, the Z generation and the more hip amongst us.
This is the custom grahic we installed over the outdated wood. And we painted the existing wood white. What a nice updated.